On the Move at OG….. designed to give opportunities for young adults with severe disabilities the skills to participate more fully in a life of their choosing. It accomplishes this through specialized equipment and the use of upright postures and the development of basic mobility skills needed to explore environments, participate in activities, and make informed choices based on personal goals and desires.
Olivia’s Gift provides nurturance and support to help adults with severe disabilities live rich lives and achieve their potential.
More than a building, it’s a resource center, a therapeutic environment, and a point of connection for families and community.
A home away from the family home.
Professional care is supported by advanced therapies and equipment to create a rich, stimulating environment for residents.
How are residents supported?
For all of our residents, each of their goals, hopes and dreams are identified in their person-centered plan. Individuals age 26 and younger will continue their education through KISD Special Education, during school hours. For those residents beyond the age of 26, family members will identify what type of day programming will best suit their loved ones needs. Day programming both at Olivia's Gift as well as outside activities will be offered by Full Circle Care, a CARF accredited provider of Community Living Supports.
Beyond Olivia's Gift, staff fully intend to keep residents engaged in the larger community through volunteer programs, ongoing community involvement, regular outings, and service projects to name a few of the possibilities.
State-of-the-art on the therapy equipment
Activities, outings, and community connections that encourage family and volunteer participation
Art, music, recreation and pet therapies
Access to nature
Advocacy and consultation for families
Liaisonship with governmental and mental health agencies
Flexible and timely emotional and spiritual support